Day 09: Whole30 for the Piepers

Well I’ve been feeling great. It’s 11:00 pm and this is my “snack time.” It used to be one or two squares of dark chocolate, chips, popcorn or a scoop or two of ice cream. Now, my snack is dates and pecans, grapes and almonds or a Larabar. It’s all about the choices.

whole30 day9.1

Meal 1: Hard Boiled Eggs, orange and sweet peppers

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Meal 2: Tuna Salad on Spinach

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Meal 3: Citrus Chicken, Brussel sprouts and Garlic Mashed Cauliflower
Snacks: Orange and almonds

Energy levels: the afternoon energy drop has gone away
Sleep: good
Gut issues: same
Hormonal issues: same
Focus: same

Daily Take-away: Cooking takes time. Prep, Prep, Prep… My kids would quickly grab some fruit for a snack before veggies. As I thought about it, the reason was because most fruits are grab and go. Veggies usually need to be cut, pealed or chopped before they are easily eaten. So, as  make my meals I spent an extra 10-15 minutes prepping veggies for snacks.

What are some of your kids favorite veggies to snack on?

Be Blessed!


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