“Remember, you …

“Remember, you are the same today as you will be in five years, except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read. Choose both carefully.”
– Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Reading seems to be my theme the last couple of weeks.  Someone shared this quote with me today and it marries two ideas Continue reading

Top 9 ways to find time to read

Leaning Tower of Books

Leaning Tower of Books

The pile of books on my nightstand is overwhelming and threatening to topple over as the pile keeps growing and growing .  In fact, books are starting to take over several areas of my home.  Not only is there a pile on my nightstand there is a pile in the guest bedroom, one in the living room and one in the dining room.  I keep adding to the pile but lately I have not finished a single book.  I’m drowning in all these amazing books that I truly want to read (this obviously doesn’t even take into account the online reading that is accumulating as well!)  So I need to Continue reading